“It has been my privilege to lead Concern Australia through the ups where we have celebrated the achievements of countless young people over the past 7 years while also navigating challenging times including a global pandemic and moments where the trauma experienced by young people has brought much sadness. My heartfelt thanks to the Board and Executive Team for their support, wisdom and insight down the years, and assurance that I remain a ‘friend’ in the days that lie ahead.” – Michelle Crawford, CEO

After 7 years as Concern Australia’s CEO, Michelle Crawford will be embarking on her next journey as she takes on a new and exciting role as CEO of the Children’s Cancer Foundation. Michelle’s final day at Concern Australia will be Friday 24th February, before starting her new role in early March.

Since her appointment as CEO in 2016, Michelle has led Concern Australia in being a caring, dependable, and confident organisation, through multiple challenges. This includes the countless hurdles and unpredictable nature of operating an organisation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

During her tenure, Michelle was able to foster meaningful donor and partner relationships, develop fruitful strategies, significantly enhance our impact, and navigate the complexities of running a multi-program organisation.

“We are deeply grateful to Michelle for her leadership of Concern Australia as a caring, dependable and positive organisation, including through the challenging times we have all experienced. Her vision, energy and empowering style leave an inspiring legacy that will continue to benefit our young people, partners, volunteers and staff for years to come.”

– Jon Ma, Board Chair

“Michelle is an empathetic and compassionate leader who puts people at the centre of her work. I’ve had the pleasure of working alongside Michelle in Concern Australia’s Executive Team and am grateful for the leadership and mentoring that she has provided. Her passion and dedication will be sorely missed, she will continue to have a positive impact on the world as she embarks on her next professional journey.”

– Richard Parker, GM Living, Learning & Earning

We would like to thank Michelle for all she has brought to Concern Australia. Through her extensive efforts, she is leaving the organisation in a stronger and stable position for continued growth – enabling us to reach our potential in changing the lives of at-risk and disadvantaged young people.

We are blessed to have been the recipient of Michelle’s unwavering devotion, empathy, resilience, and leadership these past 7 years, and we wish her nothing but the best in her next endeavour.

The Board of Directors have begun the recruitment process and are optimistic about this next season.

Richard Parker will be stepping up from his current role as General Manager – Living, Learning and Earning. Effective Monday 27th February, Richard will take on the role of Interim Chief Executive Officer while the recruitment and selection process takes place.

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