Welcome to our new donation page, designed to make it even easier for you to make a real difference for children and young people.
To donate by cheque, follow the instructions below.
All donations over $2 are tax deductible.
Thank you for your generous support. Contact us on 03 9470 2972 with any questions you may have regarding donations!
Make your cheque payable to ‘Concern Australia’
Please mail your check to:
Concern Australia
PO Box 1040
Robinson VIC 3019
Please ensure you include your contact details so we can send your tax deductible receipt.
The easiest way to make a bank transfer is to use our secure online form on this page.
However, if you would like to manually do your own online bank transfer, or donate directly in person at your bank, please use the details below.
Please also advise our Accounts team that you have made a manual transaction with an email to accounts@concernaustralia.org.au
Account Name: Concern Australia Welfare Inc.
BSB: 033-048
Account No: 414457
Other ways to give
Concern Australia benefits from the generous and faithful giving of our regular supporters who have committed to becoming a Constant Companion by making regular on going tax deductible donations.
Our Constant Companions donate regularly to support our programs that provide Education, Housing and Homelessness and Justice for young people and children.
All of our supporters have the option of receiving regular updates through our e-newsletter and a copy of our Annual Report to see the impact that their financial contribution is making to help change lives of young people and children.
Regular payments can be made monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually through the user-friendly convenience of direct debit through either your bank account or credit card. You can either have us direct debit your credit card, or arrange with your bank to have regular payments made to Concern Australia.
For further details about becoming a Constant Companion please contact us on (03) 9470 2972.
Leaving a gift to Concern Australia in your Will is a very kind and generous way of creating a lasting legacy for future generations of young people and children.
A gift in your Will – no matter how big or small – ensures that Concern Australia can continue to carry out the legacy of our Founder, Rev Dr. John Smith, to create hope and care for young people and children who are disadvantaged, vulnerable and at risk of falling through the cracks because no one else wants to help them.
A gift in your Will allows us to continue to deliver life-changing programs for young people and children who are disadvantaged or disengaged with life and community, including those who are struggling with challenging circumstances that involve abuse, homelessness, domestic or family violence, poverty, poor education and lack of employment opportunities.
Your gift will continue to honour your memory, and ensure that the beliefs and values that you hold so strongly, as we do, will be instilled in future generations.
Your legacy means a future that is filled with hope and creates opportunities for young people to enjoy full and meaningful lives to enable them to achieve their full potential.
We will always direct your gift to where you would like it to go first, and then to where it is needed most and can make the biggest difference and impact to improve the lives of others.
If you would like to discuss leaving a Bequest in your will, please contact us on (03) 9470 2972.
You can make a difference for those in need. By volunteering at Concern Australia, you have an opportunity to give back to the community, use existing skills, meet new people and be part of a wonderful organisation.
In-kind giving
Giving is so much more than financial gifts.It’s also about time, equipment, resources and manpower.
Hand Brake Turn can benefit from donations in kind such as cars, tools, equipment and other resources.
Donating your services in auditing, marketing, administration and trades would be highly appreciated. There are many ways that your in-kind gift can help somewhere throughout Concern Australia, and we appreciate hearing from you.
A tax deductible receipt to the value of your in kind contribution can be provided.
Please contact us if you would like to find out more.