Your gift will continue to honour your memory, and ensure that the beliefs and values that you hold so strongly, as we do, will be instilled in future generations.

A legacy of hope for the future

Leaving a gift in your will is an incredibly generous gesture and a special way you can leave a valuable legacy and keep giving hope for future generations of young people and children.

A gift in your will – no matter how big or small – ensures that Concern Australia can continue to carry out the legacy of our Founder, Rev Dr. John Smith, to create hope and care for young people and children who are disadvantaged, vulnerable and at risk of falling through the cracks because no one else wants to help them.

At Concern Australia we have been looking at ways that we can provide opportunities for our faithful supporters and friends to leave a lasting legacy by supporting our work in their will.

Download our Gift in Will kit

“When the pioneer is gone, those who follow will do more and do it in less time than the pioneer.”

~ Rev. Dr John Smith

The pioneering work that Rev. Dr John Smith started in the late 1960s and early 1970s informs the work that we do today that is needed more than ever. We continue to work with some of the most vulnerable, disadvantaged and at risk children and young people in our communities through our education, housing and homelessness and youth justice programs.

A gift in your will - no matter how big or small - allows us to continue to deliver these life-changing programs for young people and children who are disadvantaged or disengaged with life and community, including those who are struggling with challenging circumstances that involve abuse, homelessness, domestic or family violence, poverty, poor education and lack of employment opportunities.

Your gift will continue to honour your memory, and ensure that the beliefs and values that you hold so strongly, as we do, will be instilled in future generations.

Your legacy offers a future that is filled with hope and creates opportunities for young people to enjoy full and meaningful lives to enable them to achieve their full potential.

A gift in your Will – no matter how big or small – ensures that Concern Australia can continue to carry out the legacy of our Founder, Rev Dr. John Smith, to create hope and care for young people and children.

“To plant a garden is to have hope for tomorrow.”

~ Audrey Hepburn

We will always direct your gift to where you would like it to go first, and then to where it is needed most and can make the biggest difference and impact to improve the lives of others.

If you would like to discuss leaving a gift in your Will, please contact us on (03) 9470 2972.

You can download a Gift in Your Will kit here, or you can request a copy be posted to you by emailing us at info@concernaustralia.org.au

Download our Gift in Will kit

How to leave a gift in your will

If you've made an important decision to leave a gift in your will to Concern Australia please follow these simple steps:

  1. You can use the sample wordings we've provided below in your Will to determine the specifications of your gift.
  2. Make an appointment with your solicitor to legalise your decision. If you are creating or updating your Will, we suggest you consult a legal advisor to ensure your Will is valid and your wishes expressed accurately.
  3. Let us know if you have left us a gift in your Will – we would love to thank you! Contact us at info@concernaustralia.org.au or call on (03) 9470 2972.
  4. Learn more about how your gift can change lives in the stories section of our website.

Please note: while Concern Australia can’t offer legal advice, we can answer your questions about the life-changing impact a gift in your Will will have. Simply contact us on 03 9470 2972 if you would like to discuss this in more detail.

You can find other information and suggested bequest wording here that is tailored the the state you live in:

Suggested wording for leaving a gift in your Will to Concern Australia for residents of Victoria, Western Australia and Tasmania

Three suggested forms of wording are provided for your assistance, dependent upon the type of gift. They are as follows:

I LEAVE to Concern Australia Welfare the sum of $.................../ or percentage / the whole of the residue of my estate (complete as appropriate) to be used to support disadvantaged young people in our care


I LEAVE to Concern Australia Ministry the sum of $.................../ or percentage / the whole of the residue of my estate (complete as appropriate) to be used to support disadvantaged young people in our care


I LEAVE to Concern Australia Welfare AND Concern Australia Ministry the sum of $.................../ or percentage / the whole of the residue of my estate (complete as appropriate) to be used to support disadvantaged young people in our care AND DECLARE IT IS MY WISH but without imposing any legal obligation upon the said Concern Australia Welfare and Concern Australia Ministry that the monies arising from this bequest be used and applied by Concern Australia for [Hand Brake Turn/Values for Life/Inside Out/Steps Outreach Service/Chaplaincy].


if a specific bequest or devise is proposed of assets subject to capital gains tax, or the whole of the residuary estate is proposed to be left and it includes assets of this type, and the client wishes the estate to be exempt from capital gains tax on the bequest or devise ...

I LEAVE Concern Australia Welfare or Concern Australia Ministry (*) (..identify asset..) / the whole of the residue of my estate (complete as appropriate) (*)

Concern Australia Welfare ABN 62 648 170 797 and Concern Australia Ministry ABN 12 060 206 671 are endorsed as a deductible gifts recipient so that testamentary gifts of property to it are exempt (as at August 2005) from capital gains tax under section 118-60 of the Income Tax Assessment Act of 1997.

Suggested wording for leaving a gift in your Will to Concern Australia for residents of New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory

……………….. to Concern Australia Welfare for the general purposes of Concern Australia


……………….. to Concern Australia Ministry for the general purposes of Concern Australia


……………….. to Concern Australia Welfare for the charitable purposes of Concern Australia


……………….. to Concern Australia Ministry for the charitable purposes of Concern Australia


……………….. to Concern Australia Welfare and I REQUEST but without creating a binding trust that this bequest be applied to……………. (Hand Brake Turn/Values for Life/Inside Out/Steps Outreach Service/Chaplaincy) (where the bequest is to be used)


I direct and declare that the receipt of the Chief Finance Officer at Concern Australia at the date of my death shall be a full and complete discharge to my Executor, xxxx .

Suggested wording for leaving a gift in your Will to Concern Australia for residents of Queensland

……………….. to CONCERN AUSTRALIA WELFARE for the general purposes of CONCERN AUSTRALIA


……………….. to CONCERN AUSTRALIA MINISTRY for the general purposes of CONCERN AUSTRALIA


……………….. to CONCERN AUSTRALIA WELFARE for the charitable purposes of CONCERN AUSTRALIA


……………….. to CONCERN AUSTRALIA MINISTRY for the charitable purposes of CONCERN AUSTRALIA


……………….. to CONCERN AUSTRALIA and I REQUEST but without creating a binding trust that this bequest be applied to……………. (Hand Brake Turn/Values for Life/Inside Out/Steps Outreach Service/Chaplaincy) (where the bequest is to be used)


I direct and declare that the receipt of the Chief Finance Officer at CONCERN AUSTRALIA at the date of my death shall be a full and complete discharge to my Executor.


I APPOINT the Chief Financial Officer of CONCERN AUSTRALIA at the date of my death Executor and Trustee of my Will.