Our Commitment to You
This document outlines our service commitment to you, in respect of the Direct Debit Request (DDR) arrangements made between Concern Australia (ABN 62 648 170 797 / 12 060 206 671) and you. It sets out your rights, our commitment to you and your responsibilities to us together with where you should go for assistance.
We will issue you an Annual Receipt Statement at the end of the financial year unless otherwise requested by you.
Initial term of the arrangement
In terms of the DDR arrangements made between us and signed by you, we undertake to periodically debit your nominated account for the agreed amount for donation to Concern Australia to be used within Australia to help provide assistance to those in need.
Drawing arrangements
- The first drawing under this Direct Debit arrangement will occur on your nominated day.
- If any drawing falls due on a non-business day, it will be debited to your account on the NEXT business day following the scheduled drawing date.
- We will give you at least 7 days notice in writing when changes to the initial terms of the arrangement are made. This notice will stage/may include the new amount, frequency, next drawing date and any other changes to the initial terms.
- If you wish to discuss any changes to the initial terms, please contact:
Concern Australia
Accounts Team
P.O Box 1040
Robinson VIC 3019
Phone us on 03 9470 2972
Changes to the arrangement
If you wish to make changes to the drawing arrangements, contact us at:
Concern Australia
Accounts Team
P.O Box 1040
Robinson VIC 3019
Phone us on 03 9470 2972
These changes may include:
- deferring the drawing; or
- altering the schedule; or
- stopping an individual debit; or
- suspending the DDR; or
- cancelling the DDR completely.
Direct all enquiries to us, rather than to your financial institution, and these should be made at least 14 days or 10 working days prior to the next scheduled drawing date. All communication addressed to us should included your Supporter ID number.
All personal customer information held by us will be kept confidential except that information provided to our financial institution to initiate the drawing to your nominated account.
- If you believe that a drawing has been initiated incorrectly, we encourage you to take the matter up directly with us and contact:
Concern Australia
Accounts Team
P.O Box 1040
Robinson VIC 3019
Phone us on 03 9470 2972
- If you don’t receive a satisfactory response from us to your dispute, contact your financial institution who will respond to you with an answer to your claim:
- Within 5 business days (for claims lodged within 12 months of the disputed drawing); or
- Within 30 business days (for claims lodged more than 12 months after the disputed drawing
- You will receive a refund of the drawing amount if we cannot substantiate the reason for the drawing
Note: Your financial institution will ask you to contact us to resolve your disputed drawing prior to involving them.
Your commitment to us
It is your responsibility to ensure that:
Your nominated account can accept direct debits (your financial institution can confirm this); and
That on the drawing date there is sufficient cleared funds in the nominated account; and
That you advise us if the nominated account is transferred or closed.
If your drawing is returned or dishonoured by your financial institution, Concern Australia may contact you to negotiate either an extra debit or the receipt issued will be invalidated. No more than 2 defaults are permitted. After this, Concern Australia will notify you that the DDR will be cancelled. Any transaction fees payable by us in respect of the above will be payable by you to Concern Australia.
Concern Australia cares about the privacy of your personal information and is committed to upholding the Australian Privacy Principles. We have strong policies and procedures in place to ensure your information remains secure and confidential. Your personal information will be carefully protected by Concern Australia and will never be sold to others.