At Concern Australia, partnering with young people to create positive opportunities and hopeful futures is at the centre of all we do.

We value young people’s talents, hopes and resilience, and work alongside them as they identify their goals and navigate challenges. We want to support them to write their own future and are doing this in multiple ways through our programs.

In 2024-25 our aim is to:

  • Provide safe homes and live-in mentoring to 25+ young people transitioning from state care to independence through our Inside Out program
  • Support 150+ young people to re-engage with education and training while making positive social connections and learning automotive skills and divert from the criminal justice system through Hand Brake Turn
  • Provide employment pathways to 12 young people through our fiXit Social Enterprise
  • Through the Steps Outreach Service, provide flexible support to 100+ young people experiencing and moving on from homelessness
  • Reach hundreds of young people through our seminars Values for Life and Hand Brake Turn Mobile, providing tools to navigate transitions and help create positive communities

But we can’t do all this without the help of our supporters.

How You Can Help

The gifts we receive from our supporters make all the difference. They enable us to work flexibly with young people and undertake important activities which create safe and welcoming communities. They are a huge support and encouragement to us in our work.

Why Now?

As we approach the end of the financial year, there’s no better time to donate. Donations made before June 30th are tax-deductible for the 2023-24 Financial Year, allowing you to support a vital cause while also benefiting from tax savings.

Your generosity fuels our programs and empowers young people to overcome obstacles and achieve their full potential.

How YOU can support Concern Australia…

Click on the ‘Donate Now’ button below to make a tax-deductible donation.


Would you like to become a Constant Companion?

Simply select ‘Regular Giving’ when you follow the donation prompt above, and identify your giving frequency… monthly, quarterly or annually.

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